Cryptocurrency exchange license in Cyprus

Cyprus is one of the most loyal places for cryptocurrency projects, and opening a cryptocurrency exchange business there can be a profitable activity. What is essential is to comply with licensing and currency activities regulations.


  1. Pass an inspection of the Cyprus Central Bank – provide a business plan on request, letters of recommendation from servicing banks, from counterparties having a confirmed reputation;
  2. Register an enterprise in Cyprus as a supplier of financial services – with a “physical” office, share capital and bank account for its placement;
  3. Hire directors with education and experience in the financial sector and full-time employees;
  4. Provide the regulator with documentation on the organization, written provisions for a cryptocurrency license
  5. Prepare technical tools for operation, for compliance with AML standards and provide the regulator with their descriptions.
  • TIME:

    Up to 6 months

  • FEE:

    The total price will be provided after the application