EMI In Estonia

An EMI license in Estonia allows a company to launch a payment system (PI) and a payment system with the possibility to issue virtual currencies (EMI), for example, a system for processing online payments.


  1. Registered company in Estonia with an office in the country.
  2. A business plan with a full list of planned services and financial indicators.
  3. An operational plan reflecting the scope of electronic money services;
  4. The authorized capital – 350,000 EUR.
  5. Directors and managers of companies shall:
  • Be residents of Estonia;
  • Have an impeccable reputation (i.e. not to have a criminal record)
  • Possess the necessary education (i.e. have a diploma of financial education recognized in Estonia and have at least 3 years of work experience in the field of finance);
  • Submit the PSD Individual Form (the form contains basic information about the individual who carries out or is allowed to manage the company).
  1. The appointment of an Estonian auditor.
  • TIME:

    Obtaining EMI-license (6-12 months)

  • FEE:

    90 000 euros, which includes legal support, the formation of an application and the preparation of legal documentation.